How to Make Money From your Blog

How to make money blogging

To most people, blogging is a joke.

Try telling your family or friends or colleges you want to set-up a blog and make money from it. Honestly, the response you will get will amaze you, the nice ones will smile and politely and ask, “Does anybody really make money from that?”

The answer to that question is YES, people do make money from blogging.


I’ll tell you in a bit.

Previously i have been able to show you how to create a blog, produce pillar content, get traffic and get published to build an audience.

The final step is to reap the rewards of all this work- to produce an income and take home profits.

Can Blogs Be a Stable Income Source?

If your first goal is to create enough income from blogging so you can quit your day job, then you must aim stability through consistency.

By establishing a dependable income source, you finally “allow” yourself to quit your job and break through mental barrier of having a comfortable figure a month and a lower figure the next.

Consider, however that if your income is stable, and you have to post a certain amount of blog posts every single day in order to maintain your income consistency, then that’s not business freedom, it is self-employment.

Blogging as a job is a good one, don’t get me wrong but you could agree with me that blogging as a passive source of income where you wouldn’t have to publish certain amount of posts for your income to be steady is a better option.

How Exactly Do Blogs Make Money?

This is one question most people ask me, especially those who have no clear knowledge of what a blog is.

Most people assume that the only way to monetize a blog is true advertising. That’s definitely the most common way to monetize a blog, but it’s not necessarily the only way. There are actually three core strategies for making money from blogs.

  1. Advertising
  2. Affiliate commissions
  3. Products and Services.

All methods of making money from blogs fall into one of these categories.


You can charge money to place banner ads, text link ads, video ads, sponsored reviews or native advertising (Advertising that appears like content) on your blog. You can also tap into networks that find advertisers for you, but take a cut of your revenue as a finder free. Some of these networks include:

  • Google AdSense”
  • Yahoo/Bing Contextual Ads”
  • Chitika”
  • Infolinks”
  • NewsletterDirectory “
  • LiveIntent”

Affiliate Commissions

You earn a commission when you refer someone to another website using an affiliate link and that person makes a purchase. This is done by adding an affiliate link on your blog article, and if someone follows your referral and makes a purchase, then you get a commission. Commissions typically range from 10% to 50% depending on the products.

Companies you could affiliate for includes.

  • Konga affiliates
  • Jumia affiliates
  • Amazon Associates”
  • Commission Junction”
  • Share A Sale”
  • Clickbank”

Products and Services

You could create products or source them from wholesalers which you sell from your blog. Products can be physical (clothing, electronics) or digital(Softwares, templates). You can also sell services provided directly by yourself or from your team. Some of these services may include

  • consulting,
  • coaching,
  • Writing gigs etc.

These are the major sources of income in blogging.

You might be wondering why would someone be giving such delicate information so publicly like this, well the answer is simple:

If people are ever going to respect blogging as a legitimate business model, those of us who are bloggers have to speak up and share what we’ve learned. None of us works in a vacuum. The only way we can advance our field as a whole is to collectively share what we’ve learned.

After all, isn’t that what we’re here to do? Help people?

In the end, that’s what I love most about blogging: every article we publish, can change somebody’s life. Maybe not always in a big way, but in the little that we can, we touch people’s life, and we make their lives just a little bit better. We inform them, we inspire them, and we give them the roadmap for achieving their dreams.

I just wish more people knew it was a viable career. Let’s change that, shall we?

If this article has made meaning to you, please feel free to share!


2 thoughts on “How to Make Money From your Blog

    • Thanks Amanda.

      To get on with these companies affiliate program, get on to their sites, (you could search up their sites Url from google) browse a bit around the sites usually at the bottom, you would find the link to register for their affiliate programs. Also to register for ads, you get on to the these companies sites, which also be gotten from google search, then you apply for their advertising. Google is usually the most difficult of all advertising companies to get approval from. Also they have a few criteria your blog standard must be before being approved, nevertheless, they are still the best to reckon with


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